Senin, Juni 24, 2013

Cara memunculkan Task Pane yang hilang

Hello, SolidWorks-Mania! :D

Pastinya udah tau dong apa itu 'Task Pane'?
Yaph, kita butuh kotak di sebelah kanan 'graphic area' ini untuk memperoleh Design Library, Toolbox, sampai File Explorer.

Pernah mengalami tiba-tiba task-pane hilang? mungkin ketutup atau gak sadar di-exit?
Tenang, cara memunculkannya lagi sangat gampang.

Check this-out!

Cukup klik kanan di 'command manager', lalu aktifkan Task-Pane.

Tadaaa...Task-Pane sudah muncul lagi. :D


Hanya semudah itu.. Gampang kan? :D
Demikian tips & trick  kali ini. Selamat mencoba.
Let's go design with SolidWorks


5 komentar:

intercad mengatakan...

Lets say I have to create a sketch down at my feature list because I was gonna use outlines from part to create my sketch. Then i want to move sketch up above some feature but it wont let me because sketch is not a child of that feature I used to create outline. how to make a child sketch or feature INDEPENDENT???. Thank you.


GP mengatakan...

Hello, Sorry, I just realized that there is a comment in this post.

The answer is simple, you should choose a new plane for your new sketch, not using the previous face of the feature to make you new sketch 'independent'.

Have a nice try. :)

Oliver mengatakan...

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ISNADI mengatakan...


Anonim mengatakan...

Sangat mambantu, Tq gan